Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Here's to Individuality

I think that so many people don't have the courage to stand up or to be who they really are. So many people are followers, or worse, want to be. So many people have no personality or they are just plain mean. I know you guys know where I am coming from with this because I'm in high school but that's the worst part. In life there will always be these kinds of people. There will always be someone who doesn't like you. And the perpetuated stereotypes are so often times true! So here is to being a real person, being true to yourself, not caring what others think of you and being an individual. I know that sometimes we all have trouble with having the courage and bravery that it takes to stand up for what is right and also just being yourself. But in the end, it is the best thing you can do for yourself and anyone else. Here is to not being like everyone else. Here is to being an outcast. And you know what? I really don't give a shit what anyone else thinks. Do you?


  1. :) thats so true (:
    people should be their own person, and not what society told them to be.

  2. Thank You!!! I do not care what anyone thinks. i will be my own person. You don't need to try to be someone/ something you aren't you just need to be yourself.

  3. I am really happy to see all the positive feedback I have received. It is encouraging and let's me know I am not the only one who isn't a follower:)
