Saturday, September 17, 2011

"When the lights go down in the city, and the sun shines on the bay, oh I want to be there in my city."

Cullen and Julia:)
This is one of those bad pictures you capture when trying to get a good picture but someone moves and it turns out to be a hilarious pic!
Guess who?
Regan (Her blog is Honeypeachbelle, it is awesome)
Regan and her model-like fierceness
Bekah and Cullen, I think this picture is so cute!

(All of the above pictures courtesy of the Varsity parking deck and my iPhone)

OMYGOD A BUILDING TALLER THAN THREE STORIES!! Remember, I am from a small town.... haha lol

Jules applying lipgloss for the second time that night
Pictures of the city at night, sorry they are poor quality but my iPhone did it's best!

Oh the pretty city lights at night...

Oh I love the city so so so much! I have lived in a small town my entire life but I want to live in a big city someday! I know that is completely stereotypical but I do! But you try living where I have my whole life and you would feel the same way! So for the above listed reasons you can imagine how happy I was when I found out my drama class was taking a trip to Atlanta to see the play Wicked at the Fox. The Fox is the most beautiful place ever in case you didn't know! Being in the Fox makes you feel like you are in Harry Potter or something, it is that fancy! And you know that amazing feeling when you have been traveling on the interstate for hours and you look up and suddenly you have pulled into the city? It just feels so good! The city fills me with wonder just to look at it, and it is the best overwhelming feeling to be in it. Wicked was just amazing, I got to wear a pretty dress, and best of all I got to hang out with my drama class and I love them all! One of the best parts, is that I got to go with my drama class who could appreciate such art instead of my grade who would do nothing but make fun of the show (they are such geniuses!). I can just honestly say I love being with everyone in my drama class, because at my school there are very few people I really enjoy being around and have things in common with. But in drama, they are all so fun and out going but some are shy too and that makes it the perfect balanced chemistry between everyone. We just all have things in common, and we are all very different from most of our peers and that is why I love drama! On the way home, as if the night hadn't been fun enough already, my friends and I were laughing and talking and  listening to music. It was really late so naturally one of my friends fell asleep then she woke up and she was saying things out of delirium which was hilarious! Then we stopped at this gas station/truck stop and went inside, where Julia (her blog is Bolt Like a Horse so please check it out!!) promptly bought a cheese stick. I know that is bizarre but she did! There was also a diner in there that looked like it was literally straight out of the seventies, wood panelling and all! Oh we were so tired and giggly. It was the best! Along with all of this, I have the absolute bestttt drama teachers anyone could ever have that took us so thank you to them! It was one of the most fun nights I have had in a while:)

-Title from Journey, "Lights"

1 comment:

  1. AH! You guys look so pretty! I love your dress. I am stealing it. It's funny because you think I'm joking.
    I love going into the city :) As you readers know, I'm from a small town as well (not the same one though), and the city is so amazing to me!!! <3
