These are some of my favorite songs of the moment:)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
favorite quotes time!
The following are some of my favorite quotes, and I'm not going to explain why I like them or tell about them about at all, I'm going to let the quotes speak for themselves.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas is Crazyness
I apologize for my utter lack of blogging. It is simply unexcuseable, but I can't help it because this is exam week and I won't bother telling you all I have to do. And then it's the holidays.. which is equally stressful!! I'm not trying to bitch I just want to make my followers (however few I have) aware of the fact that I do have a reason for not blogging and I just wanted you guys to know. It is just crazy what my to-do list consists of. Anyways, I will do a much more Christmas spirited blog post later. Have a great holiday season even so though! =
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
An update on my life and some crush of the weeks thrown in there too...
Crush of the week is a blog thing I try to do weekly but usually fail to do because I am busy or forget or both and then make up for later..... so this is me making up for last week and doing one for this and also one for the next week. It really freakin takes away from the effect to do it this way but I have no other choice because I don't have time to screw around on my computer looking for some cute guy to post pictures of and sound slightly stalkerish about. So anyway.. if you can't tell I'm stressed to the max and it's only going to get worse... December is usually the most anxiety ridden month of all for me. I am not kidding. Christmas is being held at my house this year, as in Christmas lunch or dinner or whatever the Hell you want to call it. Then there is exams the week before I get out. Then there's the week I have off before Christmas and that is NOTHING but cleaning.. like cleaning EVERYTHING-dusting, mopping, waxing floors, vacumming, cleaning glass and mirrors, moreee dusting, cleaning baseboards and moldings, sinks, toilets, tubs, front porch, yard work, sweeping off front steps, organizing, re-organizing, some last minute decorating, having a meltdown at some point, polishing furniture, presents I still have to get, getting rid of cobwebs that may be lurking... Yes I am a crazy person, but after that list I would love to know who wouldn't be crazy just thinking about doing all that. It is a lot of pressure to have on you. And then there's actually doing it, and that isn't a picnic either. I know I really need to not bitch this much... but oh well. Going to be bitching more anyway... So, two of my friends are spending the weekend with me the weekend of the 9th and 10th. So the house has to be spotless for them which puts a sooner deadline on my head as far as cleaning goes. I am going to Disney world tomorrow and am coming back Sunday. Yet another stress. I am going through NCA because my squad got offered the chance to go and be in the Christmas parade that will air Christmas day. So.. my entire month is jam packed and I have a million things I need to do on top of that so this whole month is just not going to be good as for my blog. So, really, I am shutting up now. Enough of my bitching..
CRUSH OF THE for last week
CRUSH OF THE for last week
I love this picture the most because he looks like he is just looking right through you
I love Jimmy of Led Zeppelin, he is really great looking. He looks... almost pretty. One of his former girlfriend/groupies (Pamela De Barres) said he was so pretty that he was boy-girl pretty. And I agree with her. He looks especilly sexy when playing guitar too:) the above pictures are proof.
CRUSH OF THE WEEK for this week:
I reallyyy love this picture for some reason, he seems so.. mischievious
KISS hard hat... it's a good look
As usual, I love to see hard rockers rocking out on their guitars, it's just hot. And Paul Stanley is just the best, such an innovator in the genre we call rock. Love you so much Paul, enjoy the hot rocker pictures.
CRUSH OF THE WEEK for next week:
One of my favorite actors, and one of my favorite men in Hollywood. I find him dashing and beautiful and he played as James Dean in a movie about James Dean's life so of course I loveeee him!! Enjoy the pictures!
God he looks so much like James Dean.
look at that boyish charming smile haha
So, that's it for now. Hope that I can blog again soon but who knows. So hope everyone has a good rest of the week!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Betsey Johnson Too Too
Fall fashion haul 2011!
I love gold for fall, it is the best and so pretty and complimenting
This is my absolute favorite picture of them all!!! I love it so much, everything about it is so so pretty and classic and perfect
details make the difference... how true!
If only the people in my town could get a dose of dialy style... it would do them good.
Loveee these soooo much!!!!!
So, fall is here, and fall fashion can be pretty awesome. I am so excited about it! I think I might start doing some outfit posts, I always try to dress my best no matter what. Can you say the same? I hate it when people aren't fashionable, and one day I will live somewhere other than hick-ville where people might actually dress well. But until that day, I can just drool over the adorable clothes I see in magazines... Gosh when will eighteen come!?
P.S. hope some of the above pictures inspired you guys to be fashionable, it inspired me!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I have always been a really stubborn person, any one who knows me knows this. But I want you to all do me a favor, look at my left ankle and then look a my right ankle. The left one looks a Hell of a lot smaller than the right one, would you agree? Well, as can be imagined, my ankle hurts a lot. But you know what? I have a cheer competion this Saturday, and if my ankle hurts a little just so that I can compete then so be it. Determination and hard work are worth it, no matter what. I just thought I would share ths little tidbit of.. shall we say motivation? Anyways, I'm gonna be hitting it as hard as I can when I perform so wish me luck, it will not be easy believe me!! To show you how hard peforming in a competion is, here is my favorite cheer competion routine from Oklahoma State. Watch it and hope you like!
Here is a video of some awesome and wicked tumbling as well just so you can see what my aspirations are haha!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Guess what today is??????
Yes, if you guessed my birthday, you would be correct! I am sixteen today, and do you know what? It feels like just another day to me, I don't even care that it's my birthday all that much. I don't know if that's a sign of my maturity, how little I really care about celebrating myself, or how I just don't care in general. It might perhaps be all of the above. I just feel like since I'm not going to have a sweet sixteen and the whole sha-bang why even bother? Maybe one day I will look back on this and regret not having a party or celebrating but I doubt it. If I lived in a different place with different people then omygod I would so have a party but not here. Life here, crap. Life other places, much better. So, have a great day to you all and wish me happy birthday in the comments!!:)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Crush of the week!!
This is yet another two weeks worth of crush of the weeks due to the fact that I am not as proactive a blogger as I should be. So, without further hesitation here is Crush of the Week for last week....
River Phoenix!!!!!!
Ohmygod, one of my absolute favorite actors!! He was so great, and the fact that he was such a mess in real life made him an even better actor in my opinion. He just knew what he was doing when it came to acting. I loveeeee him in Stand By Me and Running on Empty. Running on Empty is one of those amazing movies that I would suggest to anyone to watch just simply because of it's great plot and cast. And River Phoenix was veryyyyy hot too:). He reminds me of James Dean just a little bit, minus the possible gayness.
On to Crush of the Week for this week....
Robin Zander
Yes, I am completely random in my picks for Crush of the Week. But I have always thought that Robin Zander, front man for the seventies/eighties band Cheap Trick is so cute!! He was just such a cutie and he was a great singer. "I want you to want me.." I want you to want me too Robin! He had such a boyish innocence to his looks but looked like there might be more to him than innocence at the same time... he was a rockstar after all...
Enjoy the pictures my dears:)
River Phoenix!!!!!!
I really love this look he has in this picture, it just screams of uncertainty and pain. That is probably why I love him so much though.. brooding is hot sometimes... especially on River Phoenix
musically gifted to!! BONUS:)
He looks broken and brooding as ever
Ohmygod, one of my absolute favorite actors!! He was so great, and the fact that he was such a mess in real life made him an even better actor in my opinion. He just knew what he was doing when it came to acting. I loveeeee him in Stand By Me and Running on Empty. Running on Empty is one of those amazing movies that I would suggest to anyone to watch just simply because of it's great plot and cast. And River Phoenix was veryyyyy hot too:). He reminds me of James Dean just a little bit, minus the possible gayness.
On to Crush of the Week for this week....
Robin Zander
I noticed in this picture that the guy in he back with brown hair in the middle, I do no know his name, is really really hot too!!
Yes, I am completely random in my picks for Crush of the Week. But I have always thought that Robin Zander, front man for the seventies/eighties band Cheap Trick is so cute!! He was just such a cutie and he was a great singer. "I want you to want me.." I want you to want me too Robin! He had such a boyish innocence to his looks but looked like there might be more to him than innocence at the same time... he was a rockstar after all...
Enjoy the pictures my dears:)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
A tribute to Reading Stands Forever: Julie
This a tribute to one of my closest friends, Julie of Reading Stands Forever:)
Her favorite actor
She loves converse, really in any color
Her fav book, although the Harry Potter series is a favorite of hers as well
Ellen Page, her favorite actress, ever seen whip it..?
Almost Famous, fav movie of hers, "Hold me closer tiny dancer.."
Favorite band, and ironically green is her favorite color
Julie loves writing and is amazing at it too
Her preferred jewelry statement- a simple friendship bracelet
Among her favorite quotes are:
"I want my life to be like an 80s movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason but no, John Hughes did not direct my life." -Easy A
"Ok then let's haul ass to Canada." -That 70's Show
Julie has a weird fascination/love for Canada... I don't know why, but, Julie I love you and your whacky-crazy -wonderful personality. You are such a great writer, and one of the funniest most A.D.D. people I know but that's why you're so funny and your love of books is yet another reason I love you! I appreciate your sense of style when it comes to books, and you are just great to talk to! Love you Julie, and as I told Julia and Layla in their tribute posts, we are out numbered by the idiot wanna be masses so it's nice to have smart rocker chick friends:)
Sincerely Yours,
Ms. Charlotte
A Tribute to Tales of a Pale Wildwood Flower: Layla

We always assign characters in movies, and Arlene from the movie Dick is hers. So very hippie and her
Band t and skirt. Perfect.
One of her favorite actresses
A punk rock inspiration
this one speaks for itself, right?
Some of her favorite go-to shoes
Her most desired car... why I don't know haha
A hottie she loves:)
She is such a hippie, very green..
Favorite actress
One of her favorite movie series
This one is soooo her...
She loves Jack Sparrow.. but who doesn't?
Another hottie she loves:)
Again, hippie all the way...
Yet another hottie she loves.. this is getting to be a continual pattern..
One of her favorite movies! And mine too
Pattie, her sixties inspiration
The King, her love
She lovesss records
Her favorite band of all time ever.
best show everrr
Layla has seen literally everyyyy episode and quotes it all the time...
Another fav movie
Another fav actress
Mod shift dresses are a theme in her wardrobe
A fav singer and defintely her favorite perfume
Her most favorite book series ever.... she really wants to be Nancy Drew! haha
Layla, this is my tribute to you doll. You are such an artist, so creative and dreamy. I mean your favorite quote is "I may be a dreamer but I'm not the only one". I just wanted you to know how cool you are to me and there need to be more girls out there like us... a while ago I did a post like this about Julia and you seemed unhappy I hadn't done one about you but you should have known I just had to wait a while to do one about you so it will be a surprise! Your art is AMAZING, you love retro and unique things and you are a great friend. I mean look at all the things that are listed as what you like, how many people can say they are that unique and different?? Not many, there really do need to be more retro girls like you! This tribute should show you how cool you really are! As I said to Julia in the post about her, we are out numbered by the idiot wanna be masses!! And we are.. But we knew that!
Sincerely Yours,
Ms. Charlotte
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